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URE Update: Production of the Inwheel Drive

University Racing Eindhoven (URE) started their new year and is bussy building and designing parts for the URE15. Unfortunately the industrial gearboxes of Apex Dynamics are not suitable for the race car of URE, therefore they designed and manufactured their own set of gears for the inwheel drive.
In October, they finished all critical parts and finally drove the first meters with the new car! With the first meters done, the team has gained a new motivation boost and is determined to make the URE15 the fastest car URE has ever produced. Also, this milestone marks the start of the second phase of the year, the testing phase.


In oktober URE started with the production of the inwheel assembly. With the gears having received their final coating, they could start assembling everything together. URE is doing this together with the Equipment & Prototype Center (EPC) at the TU/e, who help them with producing lots of parts present on the car. Eventually, when everything is put together, the newly designed Multilink suspension could also be connected for the first time.

First meters of the URE15

Last week, the car was mechanically and electrically fully ready to drive. All systems were checked and correctly set up. The only thing that was missing was the battery. This month, the choice was made to adjust the URE15 battery in a way such that it can be used for the URE14D and URE15E. This way, it would be finished earlier for testing and they are still able to make a completely new, optimized battery before the competition starts.

After a full day of work, the battery was fully assembled and tested, and ready to go into the car. After some final safety checks with the battery installed, the wheels of the URE15 turned for the first time, still be it without touching the ground.

Quite quickly after that, everyone started preparing everything to drive the first meters and eventually, the car was ready. First really careful testing out the brakes, but soon enough the power limit got turned up and the car drove some laps with squeaking wheels. With enough points of improvement, the first full testing day would be the Saturday after, marking the beginning of the road to a race-ready and competitive URE15.

Rollout filming day

This year, the rollout of the newest car will unfortunately not be in-person due to the COVID-19 outbreak. As an alternative, there will be an online live event on the URE social pages where everyone is invited to join!. This online event will be held on Monday the 23th of November at 19:00. Make sure to mark this date in your agendas! The preparations are already in full swing. A filming session was held at ‘t Koelhuis to capture all design details of the new car. URE cannot wait to show you the end result!